Vision Services

About Vision Services

The Four Rivers Vision Special Education Program provides special education vision services for children 3-21 years of age whose functional vision impact their educational environment and curriculum. 

Eligibility is applied when the Eligibility Determination Conference (EDC) participants determine the vision has an adverse effect on learning and requires special education services to address a visual impairment.

If eligibility is determined, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed by the IEP team. The initial IEP team will consist of the following members: Administrator, Local Educational Agency (LEA), Vision Itinerant, Special Education and General Education Teacher. Outside agency representatives and/or related service providers may be included on the team. Related services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy are provided to children when these services are recommended and considered a necessary support to the child's educational

program. The IEP team writes goals and objectives specifically for an individual child and is developed prior to the child's entrance into the program. The IEPs are revised annually by the IEP team.


Program Philosophy

The philosophy as a vision Itinerant for students having vision impairments is to provide quality education services in the skill areas impacted by the vision deficits in order to promote progress in the general curriculum commensurate with the students' abilities. 


Program Description

The vision itinerant will travel to schools within the Four Rivers Special Education District which consists of 6 counties and 19 school districts. Consultation services to the teacher shall be provided when appropriate. The program model for direct \/ision

services shall be either self-contained, resource, or push-in the classroom. Students shall participate in the least restrictive environment of classes where applicable.


Program Objectives


The program shall provide: 

  • Skills for independence

  • Vocational Skills

  • Braille curriculum/instruction, when appropriate

  • Special low vision/technology materials and devices

  • Low vision skills

  • Remediation skills

  • Support for school staff and parents

  • Functional Vision Assessments

  • Case Management Responsibilities for IEP's

  • Collaboration with ISVI (Illinois School for the Visually Impaired)


Please contact the Four Rivers Special Education District Visual Impairment Supervisor with any questions:

Emily Bergschneider 

Four Rivers Special Education District

Visual Impairment Program Supervisor

936 W. Michigan Ave.

Jacksonville, IL 62650

217-245-7174 ext. 271