Changes from the start of the year you are going well. Thanks to all of the students for a great
job during arrival. Lion’s Quest our social emotional learning curriculum, has been in place for a
few weeks. Students can continue to get to know staff and peers through this time at the end of
the day. This can also be used for any restorative time between student and staff or peers. Daily
CloseGap check-ins are very helpful for both staff and students to communicate needs. The
Book Blast through Books are Fun has started and will continue through October 13th. Students
get at least 1 free book and can earn other prizes. Classrooms can earn prizes as well. Students
who earned food day were treated to home-made-funnel cakes, drinks, and other snacks.
Thanks to all of the staff who brought items. Students can look forward to October’s rewards
day-- s’mores!

Newsletter - October
October 11, 2023